Location games last seen on: | 2008-04 |
Last change to this page: | 2008-08 |
1943 The Battle Of Midway | After Burner | Astro Fighter (cocktail) | Centipede |
Defender | Dig Dug | Donkey Kong (cocktail) | Galaga |
Ghosts 'n Goblins | Missile Command (cocktail) | Out Run | Tempest |
Tetris | Tron |
2008-07-27 | matt cavanaugh | for a truly up to date list of classic arcade games at the fort sanders yacht club, check out our website: www.fortsandersyachtclub.com while you are there, look at the list of high scores. think you can do better? you could be the winner of a brand new, ice cold 12oz can of SCHLITZ MALT LIQUOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |