Funland Arcade

Seaside, Oregon, USA
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Location games last seen on:2003-11
Last change to this page:2004-03

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Centipede/Millipede/Missile Command Donkey Kong Hard Drivin' Ms. Pac-Man
Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - Class Of 1981 Starblade Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Simpsons
WWF Wrestlefest X-Men

Comments on This Location
2008-08-15JonThe Donkey Kong jump button works now, but the monitor viewing is fading on the sides. Couldn't see Mario on the elevator level. Galaga was playing fine. One of the two Centipede multicade games was a little slow on the ball, but everything else looked to be playing fine. Across the street at the mall where the Robotron/Joust and Centipede multicade games are there's less traffic and the cabinets are in better shape.
2007-04-29DanThe "jump" button on Donkey Kong doesn't work here. There is an Ultracade and a Joust just down the street in an indoor mall with a carousel.

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