Quakertown Farmers Market

Quakertown, Pennsylvania, USA
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Location games last seen on:2004-01
Last change to this page:2004-04

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Centipede Ms. Pac-Man Paperboy

Comments on This Location
2007-05-11lolFIRE, FIRE!
2006-12-20gator man philredesigned arcade, they now have a ms.pac/galaga class of 81 and a spiderman game only, as far as classics are concerned. paperboy and centipede are gone.
2006-12-14mrmattwell i'm the first to post in over a year so that about says it for this site.
2005-09-24philthere was a sick trucker who used to get in the mid 300's in ms pacman fast, almost as good as me.
2004-03-11ReaderDid you submit an update including the location and name of this establishment? I have submitted many times and have always had my submissions posted. Tony doesn't go and visit all these places, he relies on us to keep the information fresh. Give the guy a break.
2004-03-11KyleI submited everything tough guy...........Dont stick up for your BOYFRIEND..........Tony is a Beotch, and so are YOU!!!!!!!!!! [Let's try to keep the dialogue a little more civil, okay? -- RWM]
2004-03-11KyleI'll kick your Ass in Ms. Pacman too, NERD
2004-03-08KyleThis idiot who runs this site STILL didn't update Q-mart. They only have Ms. Pacman (Fast), and Centipede. And grimy Paperboy........
2002-11-12EddieGet ready Q-town New arcade is going to be opening NEXT TO K-MART WHERE THE HOLLOWEEN STORE WAS AND WERE FASHION BUG WAS OH SO MANY YEARS AGO. Tickets and prizes will be plentiful watch the penny power to hear more.
2002-07-06HENRYSMOOTHI was there Friday and seen most of the games but no Journey,howver there was an Atari 3 steering wheel one like brand new and a real unique space type you sit in but it was not working.
2001-02-15ReAnimatorIve gone to the Q - Mart everytime I visit my aunt in that area for many years now. And yes they did have many bitchin games there at one time but now they are mostly gone. (at one time they had some super hard to find games such as the Journey game and others I cant even remember) If you visit these games may not be there Ill check next time Im in the area

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