Return Of The Jedi

Classic Arcade Game Locations for Return Of The Jedi
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StateCityPlaceDate SeenComments
ArkansasFayettevilleArkadia Retrocade 2018-11-01- 9 -
ArkansasSherwoodZ82 Retrocade 2020-12-01- 9 -
ColoradoManitou SpringsArcade Amusements, Inc 2003-07-20- 31 -
IndianaMishawakaMega Play 2007-04-07- 20 -
Lancashire (United Kingdom)BlackpoolBeach Amusements, S. Shore 2000-01-30- 14 -
MinnesotaSt PaulStarcade (In Keg And Case building. Also has some games for pay outside)2023-07-18- 9 -
MissouriSt. LouisThe Neutral Zone (Pay $20 Games free) 2017-03-01- 8 -
NevadaRenoReno-Sparks Convention Center 2005-05-12- 8 -
Rhode IslandProvidenceFreeplay Bar & Arcade (Age 21+)2017-09-01- 8 -
TennesseeClarksvilleRetros' Classic Arcade $6 for unlimited play2008-12-29- 12 -
Tokyo (Japan)RoppongiIts ShouTime 2015-12-01- 8 -
VirginiaStauntonVideo Zone 2007-02-10- 13 -

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